Friday, 31 August 2018

Good Hotels Helps In The Inflow Of Tourists

By John Ward

Tourism is developing in every country. Mostly locals come to know about some exotic places in their country and only later it gets publicized internationally. International tourism is generating more foreign exchange for most countries. Travel packages are been offered by many tour companies and Baja wine tours from San Diego is one of the best packages available.

Hospitality industry is having a tremendous growth in the recent years. This is due to the much growth in tourism industry. Lots of international tourists are going to other countries. These people go to other countries to have a good time over there. There are also good number of people who travel for business reasons.

People who have not yet used alcohol, when these people go out for a trip with friends, might use it and make it a habit. Even their parents would also not know about it, as the travel would be in some other place. Sometimes tourists drink and drive which can lead to further complications in a foreign country.

In some countries liquor is banned. So before planning a trip to any country, it is better to understand rules regarding drinking of alcohol. Some countries which allow drinking alcohol, may sometimes ban drinking it publicly. Also the effect received while drinking will vary between countries. So it is good to go slow on drinking alcohol, when in a foreign country.

Now there is much booking going on through online. People always check reviews of hotels before booking a room. Some people will be concerned with cleanliness, whereas some others will be looking for good customer service and there are few who would be looking for monetary gain also. Some hotels even create fake identities and post good reviews about their business units.

In developing countries tourists find it very hard to find places for relieving themselves. Local guys may find places in the streets or lanes to get relieved. The girls are the usual sufferers. These people would only depend on hotels and restaurants and it has to be noted that these hotels and restaurants would not be available at every place.

Many years back, service was really poor in hotel industry. A customer had to depend on a service provider, even if the service was very poor. Its because there were few players in the industry. Now as the sector has grown, there are plenty of players who provide good service. These teams know that if good service is not provided, customers would look for competitor firms.

There are some tour operators who try to cheat tourists. At the time of advertising the package, these people would include many places in it. Later when tour happens, some places will be cut short to make instant profits. These foreigners would not complain about such things, as they would not want to get into any legal issues.

In some countries tour operators and small restaurants are not required to obtain liquor licence. But these people are not supposed to sell more than two glasses of alcohol to one person in a day. Everybody knows that these cannot be checked by local authorities on a daily basis.

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