Friday, 27 July 2018

The Ultimate Hispanic Experience Revealed In Mexican Food Catering

By Charles Brown

Since the ancestors of this creature wandered from the sea into solid ground, it has always search for things that will sustain it. It lived off the land that it was unfamiliar with and adapted to the new surroundings. It learned to walk upright on its two legs. It multiplied and as its brain developed it became a human being. Human beings populate most the livable land masses of earth. Modern man lives with a family and every time there is a significant event, there is always a feast. Try the amazing flavor of Mexican food catering.

Humankind has fundamental needs and one of these is shelter. Because of this man began to build domiciles initially made of leaves and branches that would amount to a shanty in modern definition. The abode is where members eat together, rest inside it, and share experiences together as one clan.

This biped creature is one busy critter. From down the dawn of civilization up to present, it is always in constant motion, moving from place to another not just in search of nourishment but also to explore. It is burdened with so much to do that its body just surrenders when no energy is left. The energy can only be replenished by eating.

The natural world has been kind enough to provide man with the nutrients that it requires. Flora and fauna provide most needs as do meat from beasts. Prior to the accidental lightning strike that ignited dry foliage into fire, probability is high that man like any other creature on earth ate meat raw.

The hunters and gatherer of early human tribes were smart enough to settle near rivers. This provided easy access to water which was needed for plants to grow and livestock to prosper. Soil along the riverbanks is always fertile as it is constantly washed by floods over a period of time. Irrigation started along river banks.

Agriculture is the biggest source of food supplies in the modern era. More and more lands in being converted into agro areas as the requisite for crops increase in order to keep up with the growing world population. Cultivated land is planted mostly with cash crops like wheat, rice, and rye. Animal husbandry is also growing as new breeds are being developed.

The agro business is a big contributor to the world economy. All people eat, so there is a never ending demand for food supplies. The economics of scale dictates that other industries spring up because of this. The transport industry is one of few examples. Tractor trailer trucks travel cross country to bring crops from the farm to the cities.

Such are the activities of man that sometimes celebrations are made for significant events like birthdays in case of individuals and festivals in case of communities. The occasions are always enjoyed with food for all to enjoy. Some families enjoy cooking for guests but others who find it tedious will prefer engaging a caterer.

The population explosion is one big cause for alarm. As each day passes a square inch of earth available for planting is gone. Timberlands have become barren and animal habitats are disappearing. Bio diversity is at a perilous juncture. Nothing lasts forever. There will come a time when people will be malnourished as earth resources dwindle.

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