Friday, 23 February 2018

Key Concepts On Halal Certified Food

By Karen Meyer

Halal, as spelt out in the holy Quran means permissible which covers aspects of life taught by the Islamic culture. Halal certified food and drinks are produced as per the morals and traditions of the Muslim dietary laws, for instance pork products and by products are highly forbidden and unlawful. While pork may be the only cookery not consumed by Muslims, a criteria for non pork items is assessed by their source, the cause of an animal death and the processing of the food. Recognition certification is equally important for any food processor globally and especially in an Islamic dominated nation to make substantial sales.

As we are all aware Muslims do not consume pork or any other food processed from the meat. The Quran forbids it and other foods considered impure. Foods that are considered not pure depends on the source, probably the cause of the animals death and finally how it was processed. It is vital that for foodstuffs especially processed ones to have gone the right criteria of being processed, otherwise they will be considered impure for consumption.

There are many companies that have taken up the task of providing products that are halal with the trademark. As much as the foodstuff certification has been disapproved by lobby groups as a way of subsiding a specific religious faith, it has been seeing that such companies are making much more than they did before the certification law.

Dead animals of the wild, carcasses, dead animals whose cause of death is not known or leftovers preyed on should not be consumed. Any flowing blood should be exhaustively drained and minimum pain should be inflicted to the animal.

It is imperative to note that products that are brought to the market with a genetic factor from a forbidden source such as a pigs genetic material in a soy product is considered impure. Hence, such biotechnology derived nutrients should be from a ratified source to ensure that they are all acceptable in the culture.

Muslims, in essence, must also optimally ensure that all edibles or meals alongside other non-food products such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics are permissible or categorized as Halal. Oftentimes, these items and products usually contain animal by-products as well as other possible ingredients which are not permissible especially for Islamic believers to consume or even use in any way, on their bodies.

Apart from meals, recognized doctrines also permit various other things such as lifestyle, tourism and many others. For example, this lifestyle generally includes finance, traveling, recreation, cosmetics, media, and many others. Therefore, alongside foods and drinks, Halal laws also incorporate other highly requisite activities.

Conclusively, it is vital to note that even other religions are purchasing such foods as some do not take pigs products. The accreditation has enabled the Islamic culture to grow even stronger as they are able to follow strictly what is stipulated in their laws and in the Quran.

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