Sunday, 12 March 2017

Important Facts About Halal MRE

By Martha Perry

Never before has the world been made more one and influenced by many other religions and faiths, and this is so true of the Islamic faith as well. It has introduced concepts such as the concepts of haram and halal, which basically means forbidden and allowed respectively. In fact halal is something that you will see written, even in halal MRE packs, the kind that some of your soldier buddies might be eating. If you are wondering what halal is then do read on.

Halal means basically allowed, as opposed to the word haram, which means forbidden. When this term is applied to food, it means that the food has been prepared in such a way as overseen by a Muslim cleric or priest so that it becomes edible for the faithful. It means more than just the label as it means that it has gone through a strict process and it must also include details on ingredient origins as well. A true Muslim will know whether food is halal or not.

As such, according to the Islamic faith, this kind of food will not have any kind of pork related or pork derivatives, it will also have no MSG seasoning or contain anything that hints of blood or alcohol in it. It will also not contain any animal based gelatins. It will however most certainly include cereals and grains, diary products, selected herbs and spices, and also fruits and vegetables.

Many Western fast foods are also hopping on the halal bandwagon as well. This is because due to its rising popularity then it becomes quite lucrative and popular also. Despite this, it must be known that this kind of food will also be more expensive due to its special preparation process.

Apart from food, the movement has also moved on into other commercial ventures as well. This includes clothing and select cosmetics and even tourism and hotels as well. Hotels that have the allowed distinction will have separate facilities for men and women and will also likewise not sell alcohol on the premises.

The movement also has influenced the way that US military thinks as well, even in the way that it prepares some if its Meal Ready to Eat packs. This is because there are quite a number of Muslim soldiers serving in the US military and they will need this kind of food. In theory it may be more healthier but also more expensive as well due to more specific preparation procedures.

The MRE preparations done under these guidelines are healthier, many will argue. This is because in general they will not have MSG, asparteme, sucralose and other sugars, and trans fats. The consumption of these kinds of MRE in theory will make a soldier less susceptible to fatigue and less jumpier also on the battlefield.

The final jury and judgment is definitely up to you on whether this kind of MRE is for your palate or not. It most likely will boil down to the cost efficiency of such a meal as it has been stated before, it is and will be more expensive than the regular MRE. Thus take a look and study to see if the extra cost will warrant any foreseen health benefits that may accrue to you.

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