Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Addictions Are Often Difficult To Deal With

By Peter Alwinds

When Betty was a teenager, she always dreamed of being a teacher. She had dreams of going to college and studying hard. She loved math, science and English. Her life was surrounded by books, boyfriends and a love for music. It was clear that she was headed down the right path. However, there was a guy in her life that was continuously bringing her down. Her boyfriend of 2 years was a heroin addict. It was almost impossible for him to say no to drugs. He enjoyed injecting heroin with his friends, hanging out and making people feel like they were part of the crowd.

You can become anything that you want to be in life. I can tell you that in life, you have change coming at you. It is a new change that most people cannot understand and follow. Change is something that is scary. Most people look at change and cringe. They are afraid of the future and what it can really hold for us. We have a new acceptance into this world and what it is all about.

Michael eventually saw that his girlfriend Lisa was smoking pot and shooting heroin. He felt that he couldn't deal with this any longer. He wanted her to get help. However, she was refusing treatment and instead wanted to continue with her drug use. It was a sad reality for him to see. It is always amazing when we see people doing wrong with their lives. We want to help them so much and often they refuse our help. It is hard to watch someone destroying their lives and then saying that they don't want anyone's help.

It is important to find the love that you need and are looking for. Love happens when we look back into our lives and see change. When we witness the change within our own hearts, we see a new creation. It happens when we least expect our life overcoming us. We can see the power that we generate as we become sober.

Rehab was a time for Betty to look into her own heart and see that she was chasing a man that didn't truly love her. He was more in love with his drugs than with Betty. If you are wondering what happened to her boyfriend, I can tell you that it ended sadly. He never went to rehab and chose not to get sober. Betty eventually lost touch with him and later on remarried in her life. Sometimes, people just come and go in our lives for many different reasons.

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